diumenge, 8 de desembre del 2019


Hello! My name's Clàudia and I'm from Catalonia. I'm twelve years old and my birthay is in September. I study Ebglish in my high school and I would like an e-friend to help me speak Spanish.

I get up early day and go for a walk with my dog. After school , I go home and I usually do my homework. Then I go to the waste ground with my dog. The waste ground is in front of my home. I go to bed at ten o'clok.

I love plaing with my dog. I go a language scool every Friday. I also like watching tv.

dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2019


I'm c2007 and here is my virtual bedroom. It's very confortable. There are beautiful and fantastic... Every wall is a different colour , it's purple but it isn't a normal purple. My bedroom is amasing , i love it

 In my room, there is a bed and a wardobe nex to it. There is a desk and a window. Ther is a chair , but i don't have a tv. There is an alarm clokand a laptop. There is my dog.

 My favorite thing in the room is my bed and my desk . I like my bedroom is big and beautiful. Its very bright but in the summer it is very cold and it isn't very hot in the summer.