dissabte, 22 de febrer del 2020


Resultado de imagen de fotos de pasteles de chocolate decorados            Resultado de imagen de fotos de pasteles de frutas

Resultado de imagen de fotos de pasteles de crema

diumenge, 8 de desembre del 2019


Hello! My name's Clàudia and I'm from Catalonia. I'm twelve years old and my birthay is in September. I study Ebglish in my high school and I would like an e-friend to help me speak Spanish.

I get up early day and go for a walk with my dog. After school , I go home and I usually do my homework. Then I go to the waste ground with my dog. The waste ground is in front of my home. I go to bed at ten o'clok.

I love plaing with my dog. I go a language scool every Friday. I also like watching tv.

dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2019


I'm c2007 and here is my virtual bedroom. It's very confortable. There are beautiful and fantastic... Every wall is a different colour , it's purple but it isn't a normal purple. My bedroom is amasing , i love it

 In my room, there is a bed and a wardobe nex to it. There is a desk and a window. Ther is a chair , but i don't have a tv. There is an alarm clokand a laptop. There is my dog.

 My favorite thing in the room is my bed and my desk . I like my bedroom is big and beautiful. Its very bright but in the summer it is very cold and it isn't very hot in the summer.